Election 2024: Larry Hogan's Big Mistake In Maryland Senate Race

November 7, 2024
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Oprah Told Marylanders To Trust Wes Moore 

Maryland Governor Wes Moore and Larry Hogan

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I went to a Larry Hogan fundraiser last summer because a friend of mine was going and I wanted to report on the event. During that event, Hogan spoke about his aspirations to be in the Senate and why he ran.

Although he never intended to run for Senate as many asked him to in 2022, Hogan stated that he was approached in 2023 by many in Republican leadership and asked to run. Hogan was worried about his effectiveness as a freshman Senator until supporters told Hogan he would be, "The most important guy in the Senate." They compared him to Senator Joe Manchin, a Democrat who has swayed many votes and Democrat policy as a swing vote in the Senate.

Hogan went on to say that he consulted with his wife and family, and then received encouragement from former President George W. Bush who told him, " If Trump gets elected, you can help keep everything from going off the rails. If Biden wins you can keep things in balance."

Of course, this was before Biden was booted out of the race for Kamala Harris.

Sadly, for him, Hogan will never achieve his aspirations of importance in the Senate. Hogan got 45.23 % of the vote, Angela Alsobrooks, a woman beset by all kinds of ethical questions, got 52.11%. Maybe Larry can find a big box corporation who will put him on their board of directors, but he will not be a U.S. Senator.

How does this happen to a man who was elected GOVERNOR two times in a Democrat dominated state?Certainly, he was able to get the votes of Republicans AND Democrats then to push him into office. What changed?

Larry made some BIG mistakes over the past four years that eroded his support so much that he lost a Senate race that he should have won.

First, there's 2020 and the Pandemic. Even if we give grace to Hogan for dealing with a situation no one had ever dealt with before, so many of the things he did were not done with an attitude of caring for, helping the, and keeping the people of Maryland safe. When he made his initial announcement of closing down everything for "two weeks to flatten the curve," Hogan was dismissive, distant and uncaring about the fact that his announcement was drastic and damaging to businesses, workers, and school students in the state. He didn't even give people time to prepare for the closure. Boom, it was done in ONE DAY.

Hogan followed that up with MONTHS of disastrous decisions, opening big box and liquor stores while keeping small businesses closed, mandating masks and six-foot distancing even when outside in state parks and public areas, and then mandating an unproven vaccine to state workers upon threat of losing their jobs. And, again, his attitude was tyrannical. Remember "Wear the damn mask" in one of his videos?

When people complained he shut them down rudely, even on his public Facebook page. That act got him in trouble.

Let's not forget that he proudly proclaimed he didn't vote for the Republican nominee, Trump, for President in 2020, claiming he wrote in "Ronald Reagan" instead. He never gave a reason. He just hated Trump.

He still could have run for Senate in 2022 and possibly won. Maryland Republicans begged him. Larry said "no." He wanted to run for President. Too many appearances with sycophants on CNN, MSNBC and all the mainstream legacy media gave him the idea that he should. That died quickly when the alleged "No Labels" party couldn't raise the money or support for him.

He demeaned the Republican candidate for Governor and his followers, calling them "fringe whackos." Meanwhile, he cozied up to Democrat Wes Moore taking Moore all over the state under the guise of "reaching across the aisle." Those "fringe whackos" felt betrayed, since they helped him get elected Governor, TWICE! Did we mention he didn't even support the Republican down ballot races?

When Larry announced for the 2024 Senate race, much of his base had tolerated enough of his abuse and turned their backs on him. He thought moderate Democrats would pick up the slack because he promised to oppose Trump at every turn. It was flawed logic.

Why would Democrats vote for a Republican, even a RINO, to fill that role when they could have an actual progressive Democrat to do the same and more? He wasn't the date they wanted to take to the Prom.

So, on election day, when his conservative base had to make the decision in the voting booth, they remembered all of that. Even when Andy Harris told them to hold their noses and vote for Larry and Trump encouraged them to vote for Hogan for the majority in the Senate, they opted for "none of the above" and voted for neither Hogan nor Alsobrooks. Alsobrooks' base, on the other hand, was solid and she was supported by the same Governor Moore that Larry took under his wing. Hogan got a taste of the same kind of betrayal he committed against his political base.

And the Republicans got the Senate majority without him.

There's an old saying that Hogan forgot. It goes like this, "Be nice to everyone on the way up; you'll need the same people on the way down." Hogan needed his voting base. But he wasn't ever nice to them.

And he lost. Big.

It was because of his HUGE mistake that he is now sitting on his porch, waiting for a job offer.

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Jan Greenhawk

Jan Greenhawk is a former teacher and school administrator for over thirty years. She has two grown children and lives with her husband in Maryland. She also spent over twenty-five years coaching/judging gymnastics and coaching women’s softball.
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