• No, WE Don't Need To "Turn Down The Temperature" Joe

    July 16, 2024

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    After the attempt to assassinate President Trump the other day, we heard Democrat after Democrat come out and talk about "cooling down the rhetoric. Are they the pot calling the kettle black? I think they are.

    Joe Biden in THREE statements, said the same thing over and over. He noted that this kind of violence cannot happen in our country. After he stated that, everything else was a self-serving lie that ranks right up there with all his lies about Corn Pop and cannibals eating his uncle.

    After disrespectfully refusing to call President Trump anything other than "Donald" and "Trump" because Joe just can't speak respect for his opponent and a former President, then Biden goes on to talk about all these examples of political violence in our country. Three examples he gave? J6. The attack on Nancy Pelosi's husband. The attempt to kidnap Gretchen Witmer.

    Notice any events he left off? The shooting of Republican Senators and Congressmen at a baseball practice; a shooting that nearly killed Congressman Steven Scalise? I guess it didn't happen. The mob violence in Portland, Seattle, St. Louis, and Baltimore that saw buildings burning down and people injured and killed? Not violent but peaceful. The targeting of police in New York City? No big deal.

    And did he even mention those killed by illegals? No. But, he never mentions those. There are so many other things he left off the list.

    Apparently, Democrats are the only victims of political violence in our country.

    Notice that Biden never mentions that times that Trump has been portrayed as Hitler, a tyrant, a domestic terror threat, an existential threat, and an enemy to our "democracy." Finally, the other night, he admits that he shouldn't have said, "put a bullseye on Trump." Wow. It only took him three days to get that one out. Wouldn't have gone over so well if Trump had been killed, would it.

    Of course, we know that Joe doesn't write his own script. We know that his handlers tell him what to do. Still, they just keep presenting lies. They aren't the only ones. Yesterday, I saw example after example of progressives mourning because Trump wasn't killed. One of them was a Congressional aid in Benny Thompson's office. There were elected officials from a variety of states either posting something about the shooter needing better aim OR that this is "all Trump's fault." Worst of all? TEACHERS!

    Hmmm...What Happened To Unity and Civility? - Easton Gazette

    There was even someone from the FBI:

    So, let's go to last night. I watched the Republican National Convention for a bit as President Trump entered the stage. It was a very moving moment. As the attendees cheered, he had an expression on his face that resonated with me in many ways. I've never seen President Trump have such an expression of emotion and gratitude. This is a man who knew he almost died and that others who supported him DID die Saturday. I really thought tears would start streaming down his face. Who wouldn't be near tears? Despite his bravado immediately after being shot, days later he realizes how close he came to dying. He even said it in an interview, twice. It was very moving to me. He knows he was protected for a reason.

    In light of that, I have heard that he plans to "tone down" the message he will deliver this week. Supposedly he will call for unity.

    I hope he doesn't do that. Mind you, he can get up and talk about being more civil to each other. He can talk about not making threats to each other or calling each other vile names. He can talk about coming together to make this country better.

    But I hope he doesn't promote unity. Unity is NOT something we want in this country. Unity is something they have in China under the CCP, or in North Korea under Kim Jung Un. Those citizens are the perfect example of unity, all doing, believing and saying the same thing. They have to be unified, or they die.

    Unity isn't the pleasant state leftists make it out to be. It's a place where they can call us Nazi's, domestic terrorists, racists, sexists, etc. It's a place where they can threaten us because we won't take a vaccine, threaten to take children away from parents because they don't believe in hormone therapies or gender transition mutilation, threaten different religious groups for their beliefs, and threaten us for speaking up. These are threats that have been happening for years!

    Believe me, I know. Our group, Moms for Liberty, has been targeted over and over with lies about who we are and what we do. The names we have been called are staggering.

    Unity is about censorship and not thinking for oneself. It's about checking with every other citizen before making a statement or a position on an issue. It's about staying in the party line, or else. It's about being destroyed for not agreeing with someone else's lifestyle. I live in Maryland, a state where one can be "reported" for the "crime" of saying something about someone that they don't like. That report puts one's name on a "hate speech list" maintained by the State. Yes, I said that correctly. That's how the Progressive Left pushes unity, "Do it our way or else!"

    Look at all they have tried with Trump to force him out of running for President. That is THEIR unity and they will use it to defame and attack Trump and anyone who supports him. They couldn't even stop themselves from carrying the water for Biden and his ilk and blaming Trump and his followers for the assassination attempt:

    They are so transparent in their bias.

    And then there's this:

    It's simple.

    Trump can't back off who he is. Maybe he can be more eloquent, but he can't ignore the horrible facts of what is going on in our country. He has to point out our problems. He can't ignore the disastrous border, the failing economy and ballooning deficit, the weaponization of the DOJ, the moral decline and hypocrisy in our country, the failed education system, the overgrown government and, lastly, the stark fact that our current President has dementia at the least and possibly Alzheimer's and that he cannot lead this country for one more term.

    As he points these things out, he needs to propose solutions. He can talk about our shared values and the fact that Americans know how to disagree, talk it out, and make things better.

    But he can't encourage us to shut ourselves down with fake civility and unity while the left and their Presidential puppet will continue their attacks on him, and on us.

    I know it will be hard. What ordinary human wouldn't want to protect themselves and their family after something like Saturday's violent attack? It is how organized crime is so successful because they scare people into complying by committing violence and threatening them and their families, It would be so easy for him to throw up his hands and meet their terms.

    But Donald Trump is not an "ordinary" man. He is a street fighter and a champion. He is truly our hope to turn this country around. I'm just a small voice among the millions of people who support him. I can't presume that he will read or hear what I say here. I can only hope that he and those who advise him will allow him to stay strong and pointed on message.

    Trump needs to be Trump; an even stronger, more focused Trump than ever before.

    God bless him and God bless our country,

    Here's a meme that says it all:

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    Jan Greenhawk

    Jan Greenhawk is a former teacher and school administrator for over thirty years. She has two grown children and lives with her husband in Maryland. She also spent over twenty-five years coaching/judging gymnastics and coaching women’s softball.
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    You all are willing to turn this into civil war, then?…..that’s what you’ve been doing for years now. I was a Republican and just yesterday decided to become a democrat…because the Republican Party represents nothing but violence, authoritarians, and cult behavior.

    Joe H.

    Says the party that just tried to assassinate a president...funny...

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