Recycled And Regurgitated Hatred: Favorite Tool Of Leftists

May 7, 2024
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My friend called me yesterday and asked me how things were going in our county. Like everyone in Maryland, we have primaries approaching for national offices. We mainly have school board races that will be decided in November. Currently, three out of the seven districts are up for election.

" I don't know about your county, but things in counties around here are getting really nasty," she said. "The attacks against these school board candidates are awful."

It didn't used to be that way with school board elections. In fact, it was often hard to get people to serve on school boards, much less put themselves out to be elected. Elections for those posts were often just a matter of putting a check by the one candidate who ran. Things have changed in 2024.

School Boards are now seen as a pivotal part of grassroots power and control of our counties, states and countries. That's not incorrect as these boards decide what are children are taught in public schools, how the county will fund programs, and how they will interact with parents.

It's a fight between giving parents a true decision-making seat at the table or allowing wealthy, powerful teachers' unions and special interest groups to control everything. It's a fight between giving children a good education in reading, math, writing, science and social studies or conducting indoctrination and social experiments with our precious, innocent students.

It seems the deranged left realizes that, and they want to control these races. It drives them crazy that anyone would dare to defy them and run against them. So, they go back to their favorite tool; "recycled hatred."

Here's what I mean. We have three districts up for election this time and six candidates have entered the race. Two are incumbents and four are new to the political scene. One of the incumbents seemed surprised that someone would dare run against her.

We think that angered her constituents so much that they went immediately into attack mode even though the election is eight months away and they don't even know the other candidates. They marshalled their usual propaganda forces, the local newspaper and the social media assassins who poke their heads up every election year and recycle the instant slander campaign. This time it is against three candidates; three local parents who merely want to exercise their civic rights and duty and run for election to serve the students of this county on the school board.

The left has pulled out all the usual hate filled talking points. The following Facebook post is just one example. We have erased the name of the person who posted it and the candidates because, unlike her, we don't slander people on social media or on this site.

There are several amusing things about this post. First, she totally mischaracterizes the organization Moms for Liberty as a " pro-big government, pro censorship, and anti-education" group. I don't know how she got to that description for a group that was initially formed to protest government mask and vaccine mandates for school children and the government shutdown of schools. I guess she forgot that the books this group fights are books that have graphic depictions of sexual acts, rape and pedophilia disguised as youth literature. I guess she also forgot that Moms for Liberty supports public education and want to see it focus on its mission, the academic achievement of children to their full potential.

And she forgot that they support parents' rights for all parents, even her. It boggles the mind that anyone, particularly the writer above, would join the government, school systems and unions to be against their cause:

Why Do Government, Schools and Teachers Unions Vehemently Oppose Parental Rights? - Easton Gazette

We could go on to further analyze this post, but honestly, the proof is in this woman's rants and those reading the post will need no more explanation. It's a shame we can't show the comments below her post so our readers could see how much the left has lost their collective, hateful minds.

But, if you did a cut and paste, you would find this kind of rhetoric throughout the decades; 1917, 1930's, 50's, 60's, 2000's, and the current decade. Look up those decades in history and review what was going on historically, and you will see what we mean.

I wonder if this person didn't just grab a post she did two or four years ago, change the names and paste it on social media, even down to the Maxine Waters like reference to seeing people in the grocery store. What's next? Will she exhort people to get in people's faces and drive them out? Does she want to resort to violence? You decide.

Is this where our county, state, and country are headed? If you're paying attention, you might think so. In fact, you may say we are already there.

This post above follows the same formula as the hate filled campaign of the State teachers' union described here:

Maryland State Education Association Ramps Up Lies And Extreme Language For '24 Local School Board Races - Easton Gazette

Same patterns and recycled hatred from the Marxist, progressive left following the same old Saul Alinsky script as in the past.

I know the left loves recycling, but you would think they would get more imaginative in their approach to defaming others. Or better yet, why don't they promote true dialogue and sharing of ideas? How about if they actually sit down and talk with these candidates and Moms for Liberty members, one on one, in a respectful manner? How about they actually live their oft stated ideals of inclusiveness, diversity, tolerance and empathy?

We all know why. The left, including the social media poster above, don't have constructive ideas, and don't believe in any of those ideals, unless you march lock step with them. They don't WANT to talk and listen to people who aren't just like them. They prefer making accusations, repeating Marxist mantras, and promoting hatred. Recycle, reuse, recycle, reuse. A sad regurgitation of talking points and an endless cycle of dysfunction and destruction.

Pathetic really.

I would meet and talk to this person if she asked. She won't.

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Jan Greenhawk

Jan Greenhawk is a former teacher and school administrator for over thirty years. She has two grown children and lives with her husband in Maryland. She also spent over twenty-five years coaching/judging gymnastics and coaching women’s softball.
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Richard Maxwell

It’s the continuation of the Democratic Party to make this a Socialist Government and Country . It’s the Kabol sponsored by the Democratic Party and it’s private associations that fund it .

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