• Banning Books: False Narratives Driven By Groomers

    January 24, 2024
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    Darren Lombardo, Delmarva Parent Teacher Coalition

    Whenever an obscene book is introduced or a school policy on material selection is challenged, the sexual predators come out of their dark caves as their agenda to sexually groom children becomes threatened. Of the random people we've interviewed, nobody is after banning or censoring books. The real concern is the agenda to sexualize children through the use of obscene content in schools. However, politically-compromised outside organizations like the American Library Association (ALA), American Association of School Librarians (AASL), Maryland Library Association (MLA), and the Maryland Association of School Librarians (MASL) lay the foundation of grooming under the guise of reading.

    These organizations all parrot each other's selection standards. They all have their own bill of rights, which the school systems adopt. Interesting how outside agencies and activist organizations all have direct influence of what goes into our school media centers, but tax-paying citizens do not. Below is a list of the top 15 false narratives and baseless arguments regurgitated by groomers who follow the script of these outside organizations.

    1. Book banners are out to ban books like Dr. Seuss, Harry Potter, and The Giving Tree.

    Innocent books are selected to create a false narrative that parents are out to destroy all children's books. Campaigns like this are propagated by school media specialist with books like "Ban This Book" to indoctrinate kids of this false narrative, which calls the children to activism and to defiantly lie to their parents, defy authority, deceive, cheat, and steal.

    2. Book banners are after your freedom to read, as were the Nazis.

    The Nazi card is pulled out quite a bit. Parents who object to obscenity in the schools must be Nazis out to suppress all knowledge and virtue by a good, old-fashioned book burning in the town square. Parents are also made out to be oppressors of the freedom to read.

    3. Book banners want to ban books written by authors of color.

    Since everything must be racist, they want to ignore the content of the book's character and focus on the color of the author. Color must always be relevant and used as a diversion. Anyone who challenges obscene content written by a black author must be a racist.

    4. Book banners want to specifically ban books containing LGBTQ themes.

    There are many sexually-explicit materials found in the schools that are pornographic in nature, and comes in all forms: hetero, homo, bestiality (sex with animals), orgies, sex toys, and sexual acts. Regardless of the obscenity contained in a school book, no matter hetero or homosexual, it's made into an act of discriminatory hate targeting homosexuals and to take away their rights.

    5. Banning books violates the First Amendment right of the author and a child's right to read.

    This is a loaded statement laced with deceit. Children have limited rights and are under the custodianship of their parents. They derive the majority of their rights from their parents. They don't have the right to read, watch, purchase, say, or play any video game they want unless a parent grants that right. In addition, obscenity is not protected under the First Amendment. Therefore, children don't have a First Amendment right to read sexually-explicit material at school. The author's First Amendment right does not trump a parent's right, simply because the public school used the parent's tax dollars to negligently buy the author's book.

    It's then twisted into becoming a "protected" First Amendment right after the school makes the purchase - a created right to a title that did not exist before the purchase was made.

    6. Having a restricted section of books for parent opt-in discriminates as "separate but equal."

    Some will pull out the "separate but equal" play card to deter having a restricted section in order to access sexually-explicit books. They argue that having a restricted section categorizes people into a group, making separate rules that discriminate against them. This baseless argument falls apart, as these same people ignore the other areas of their life that require parent permission, such as purchasing an R-rated movie ticket at the theatre, driving a car, or getting married at 16. Having a restricted section with a parent opt-in is a responsible compromise that does not create inequality in any way shape or form.

    7. Having a restricted section would target LGBTQ students for bullying when seen browsing.

    No matter if the books are in a restricted section or not, they're still in a section. The students know exactly where those sections are in the media center. Therefore, if a student is looking at LGBTQ themed books, they can already be identified for browsing that section. It's a moot point.

    8. Parents can let the school librarian know not to let their child check out certain books.

    Although this may seem to be sensible and accommodating, it's not. Opt-outs do not protect children from accessing the materials, only from checking them out. Of course the school knows that. This is to create an illusion of making you think you have parental rights and control, yet they are exposing your child to it anyway. Any child can currently walk into their school media center and access sexually-explicit materials.

    9. You decide what your child can read, don't decide what my child can read.

    That's right. Take your child to the public library or Barnes and Noble. The school media center is not a public library. It's a classroom with an inventory of supplemental educational materials. Sexually-explicit content describing sexual desires, experiences, and fantasies have no educational value or place in the schools.

    10. Children who are struggling need books like this to help them find their identity.

    The power of sexual suggestion and experimentation, picking your pronouns, you can be a boy, girl, or cat if you want, asking students what they would do in certain sexual situations are all things the school is doing. When adults suggest sexual acts and gender-identity alternatives, that's grooming. Do children need these things to find their identity, or does the adult groomer need it more?

    11. These types of books are necessary to be Diverse, Equitable, and Inclusive.

    Subjecting children to sexually-explicit content has nothing to do with Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion (DEI). DEI was presented to ensure everyone received equal access to educational opportunities without discrimination. However, DEI was really designed as a trojan horse to reprogram culture through confusion. DEI has become a system to force the acceptance and affirmation of deviant sexual behaviors and lawless practices. Behavior cannot be diverse, equitable, or inclusive. It's impossible.

    12. Book banners just want to suppress knowledge and keep children in a box.

    Sexually-explicit content is not knowledge that sets children free, but into enslaved bondage. Pornographic material is dangerous to the development of children, harming their emotional well-being. Parents don't want to put their child in a box. They want them to be proficient in core subjects of math, English, History, and Science, not exploited and indoctrinated through meaningless and predatory sexual agendas.

    13. What's inappropriate to you may be appropriate to someone else.

    That's correct. That's why sexually-explicit content does not belong in a school media center.

    Obscenity laws are already defined, including the Miller Test - a three-pronged test to legally determine obscenity. If a person ignores this in society, then that would make them a sexual predator, also known as a pedophile.

    14. You should see what kids already access on their phones, including porn.

    This is a completely irrelevant argument. What parents give their child access to on a parent-issued phone is their business. Some parents filter their child's phone, while others do not. What they have access to outside of school does not justify the school providing obscene materials to children. Children can also access drugs and alcohol outside of the school. Does that mean the school should start serving them? We do know the school is promoting drug use and drinking alcohol in the books that contain sexually-explicit content.

    15. The media specialists cannot possibly read all of the books as there are thousands...

    Media specialists are guided. They order books based upon lists generated by the organizations listed in the first paragraph of this article. These organizations also encourage media specialists to recognize "Banned Book Week" in their media centers and to feature sexually-explicit books on display to lure children, while also provoking and mocking parents after these books were placed in schools using their tax dollars. These organizations also publish most banned book lists and run anti-censorship campaigns with scripts, lies, and false narratives to create stigmas to bully through the continuance of their agenda to sexualize children. Planned Parenthood, the Teachers' Unions, PFLAG, and other organizations are also behind it. The media specialists know exactly what they're ordering and what's in them. Today, many media specialists/librarians are not true librarians, but political activists.

    Fellows & Editors

    January 23, 2024 - Copyright DelmarvaPTC.org 

    Please consider supporting or signing up to the Delmarva Parent Teacher Coalition and follow us on facebook to stay informed of what's really happening with education in our schools.


    The Delmarva Parent Teacher Coalition was formed in response to sexually related books and instructional materials in public schools that are emotionally, mentally, and physically harmful to children, as evidenced by rising rates of depression and other psychological disorders. The content of said materials ranges from explicit to inexplicit sexual activities including but not limited to rape, incest, and hook-up dating. Despite the narrative driven by those that support sexually-explicit material in schools, nobody is out to ban books. The issue is about sexually-explicit content.

    We support lawful efforts to expose the obscene books and materials currently available and used in Maryland public schools. Our goal is to alert parents to the sexual content and potential harm to their children; in the process we aim to avoid exposing children to obscene content or to breaking any laws. We support the efforts of other groups advocating for change in the policy and integration of appropriate books for minors. We also support efforts to strengthen the security at all schools. We do not support trespassing or distributing materials with sexual content.

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