At the Moms for Liberty Summit in Philadelphia, the weekend began with groups such as the Young Communist League and other left-wing extremists threatening the group and any venue where they met. They used vile names and made wild accusations. Prior to the event, they defaced displays and broke windows at the Museum for the American Revolution to coerce the museum to cancel the Moms for Liberty opening reception. They wrote bogus nasty online reviews of the Philadelphia Marriott where the convention was held. Even the Mayor of Philadelphia, Jim Kenney denounced the group, " I want to be very clear that as a welcoming and inclusive city, we find this group's beliefs and values problematic." He then went on to name these beliefs as, " attempts to disregard history, ban books, and silence conversations about race, gender, and sexuality." Obviously, Jim Kenney didn't do his research but plagiarized his comments from the Young Communists.
Nothing he said was true or even remotely accurate. The group mainly focuses on parental rights and keeping pornography and indoctrination out of our nation's classrooms. Of course, Kenney also took his cue from the Southern Poverty Law Center, a group that has been discredited and sued multiple times for making erroneous damaging claims about other groups and public figures. The SPLC walked back their initial claims of Moms for Liberty being a "hate group" and reclassified them as "anti-government." By their standards, anyone who hates paying taxes or bristles at unfair laws could be called the same.
The fact that Southern Poverty Law Center claims caused many in the Moms of Liberty and other Conservative organizations to be targeted online, physically and economically should give pause to anyone who thinks the SPLC tactics are ethical or moral. They are in the business of suppressing free thought and free speech through deception.
Protesters were outside from Thursday on, screaming at the wall of the Marriott. No one could hear them inside except the complicit local and national media who gave the small group of protesters more attention than they deserved. Meanwhile, 650 attendees representing over 100,000 members of Moms for Liberty nationwide were in the Marriott attending sessions about speaking at school board meetings, running for office, changing legislation, protecting children from inappropriate sexual content and coercion in schools and many other topics. They heard from and interacted with five Presidential Candidates, one congressman, and four State Superintendents of Schools among others.
The protesters called Moms for Liberty racists, fascists, homophobes, transphobes, haters, extremists, bitches, hoes, cockroaches, Hitler, Nazis, inbred, liars, segregationists, witches, terrorists, liars, abusers, white supremacists, and any other horrific names they could think of. They drove bicycles in and out of traffic in front of the group's tour bus to delay travel and hosted "protest dance parties" that seemed more like drug fueled raves than anything else. They harassed some of the attendees and just about anybody who ventured outside the Marriott whether they belonged to the group or not.
Thankfully, there was plenty of security prepared ahead of time. Between the Philly police, Secret Service, and a private security firm, no one on either side was injured.
The sad thing is that these protesters, many of whom were bused in from other states and cities or paid to fly in from the West Coast, have no idea about who the members of Moms for Liberty are.
They are moms, dads, aunts, uncles, sisters, brothers, grandparents, friends, patriots, doctors, nurses, lawyers, teachers, principals, school board members, preachers, actors, singers, musicians, Black, White, Hispanic, Asian, straight, gay, Republicans, Democrats, Independents, poor, rich, middle class, waiters, waitresses, politicians, kind, generous, God loving, and determined.
They call themselves "Joyful Warriors" and act accordingly. They were generous and kind to the hotel staff, police, and wait staff at events giving them thanks, standing ovations and extra tips for their service. When the conference ended, the staff lined up to cheer for the attendees and shake their hands. Doesn't seem like a hate group to me.
It's doubtful the protesters elicited that kind of reaction from anyone.
The protesters want Moms for Liberty to stop, to sit down, to shut up. They state this as their goal. They want them to allow the abuse and indoctrination of children. The protesters want Moms for Liberty to stop fighting for parental rights. They want members of the group to feel threatened and defeated by the nasty names.
It won’t happen.
Even as the conference ended, the extreme left continued to harass and dox members. Some of the members have received verbal and written threats and have had to contact law enforcement. People who attended the conference to infiltrate and get the "real story" have written diatribes condemning the group for "laughing off" the label of "terrorists" given to them by the DOJ. One author discussed how members "gossiped" and stated a belief in God. It seems Moms for Liberty didn't display the angry, hateful demeanor that Progressives practice daily and this upset them. There was no proof of blatant hatred for others among the attendees.
Moms for Liberty won't back down. They accept the anger, name calling and harassment as a sign that they are doing what is right. They have drawn a line in the sand over protecting parental rights and protecting children. Here is a statement from Kit, a member:
Once I catch my breath, I’ll be sharing pics of an incredibly inspiring and uplifting weekend I had at the M4L National Summit.
But before I do that, I wanted to share the reason why I’ve decided to wholeheartedly embrace this organization:
Our nation is at war. A war against the innocence of children, and the greatness of American ideals.
Our enemies seek to destroy. We seek to protect and build.
Throughout our stay, the Marriott was constantly surrounded by protesters: villains who yelled, cursed at, and threatened us. Their insults ranged from downright hilarious to frightening. But as James Lindsay said, “we’re in here having a joyful, dignified time, and they’re outside yelling at a building.”
The Marriott staff and the thousands of security guards couldn’t believe the vitriol we were encountering, and they courageously protected us and served us with love.
The opposition didn’t stop us and they never will. The future of America, and the preservation of innocence is worth it. We will win this war and I hope you will join us.
If that means they will be shouted at and called vulgar names, so be it. They will ignore that.
Moms for Liberty are fighting for their children and these protests clearly strengthened and energized them, despite the goals of the Young Communists or any other Marxist group.
Additional Note: From June 6-13, 2023- There was a 318% increase in Moms for Liberty Chapter Member Applications; From June 13-27, 2023-There was a 25% increase in Moms for Liberty Chapter Member Applications, From June 27-July 4 - Week of National Summit- There was a 357% increase in Chapter Member Applications.
Also, after the SPLC designation, Moms for Liberty has been increasing national members and newsletter subscribers by almost 300%. ( Date from Moms for Liberty)
PHOTO: Moms for Liberty attendees thank those who worked the conference by giving two standing ovations to the wait staff at the Marriott Hotel in Philly.
The author is the Chapter Chair for her local Moms for Liberty Chapter.
This is a much needed and appreciated movement that will change the course of the vile leftist movement.
I will add that I do not think they helped the cause by inviting Donald Trump (or any presidential candidate).
Well you are wrong. Without Trump there would not be a MfL, it was Trump showing how corrupt the US government is that help spawn this movement
Invite Trump and declare whose side you are on clearly. In other news, a movie highlighting child slavery was attacked by lockstep liberals. We should also join hands and unite in our defense of all things righteous.
I think inviting President Trump to the conference was brilliant, and the Moms for Liberty should keep on with their MAGA leanings. Who cares what is said about them? If moms won't stand up for their children's childhood, what WILL they stand up for? Nothing, I'm guessing. Liberals make terrible mothers. Giving their kids untested, dangerous, experimental shots, advocating for the ruin of America and the wholesome values that made it great only contribute to groups like Antifa.
Didn't Mom's for Liberty just apologize for "accidentally" quoting Hitler in one of their newsletters? YES.
This may be difficult for you to understand, Brian, but the quote was used to show the nefarious nature of what our government and leftists such as yourself are attempting by alienating parents from their children. That quote was used to show how tyrants think about the issue of parental rights. I am truly sorry that this escaped you. I know it's hard to get beyond reading the headline. The author apologized because people with low IQ's and extreme political agendas mischaracterized the point of the quote. I'm sure that doesn't include you, right? Thanks for the comment. It really helps expose the hypocrisy of leftists like yourself.
This may be difficult for you to understand, Jan. But if your characterization of the Hitler quote was as you describe why did Mom's for Liberty make an apology for the quote? Did you read beyond the headline?? "We condemn Adolf Hitler's actions and his dark place in human history," the statement from chapter chairwoman Paige Miller reads. "We should not have quoted him in our newsletter and express our deepest apology."
Not difficult for me at all Chris. I did read beyond the headline. I always do that. You, and the rest of the Progressive left, have frightened people so much with your vitriol at every thing they do, even when innocent, that they will apologize for something even when they shouldn't. They condemned Hitler. The use of the quote in the newsletter was to prove a point about how tyrants try to influence children FIRST and that is how tyrants get power. It was terribly obvious to anyone with the capacity to think, but then that might give Progressives too much credit. I can't speak for Paige and why she apologized. But, I would imagine that it was because she was under pressure from people like you who incorrectly and maliciously judged her use of the quote. Brian, I have really enjoyed this back and forth with you and I hope people learn from it. I hope they learn that the LEFT will never be intellectually honest about anything. Have a great day Brian and keep trying!
'Intellectual Honesty" would have been you mentioning the aforementioned Hitler quote and revealing your conflict of interest in reporting on this matter as you are a Moms of Liberty Chapter leader. Also the same chapter that apologized for the Hitler quote is here fake coughing during a moment of silence for Holocaust remembrance.
Brian, sweetie, please learn to read. It says I am a chapter chair for Moms for Liberty at the end of the article. Did you fail to read the entire article? Please try harder to read the entire post. I don't hide that from anyone. As for them "fake coughing" you're quoting the Daily Kos? Are you kidding? One of the most Marxist publications in the country? For that matter, what defines "fake coughing?" Are you a doctor? Look you hate them, and me, and all of Moms for Liberty. It's clear. You don't want a rational, reasonable discussion here. That's okay. That's your right. You can hate whoever you want for whatever made up reason you want. And since that is the case, this is our last exchange. I don't keep dialogues with hate fueled individuals. Good luck with your music career.
So facts aren't facts if you don't like the source reporting on it? Did "The Left" make Moms of Liberty quote Hitler? Did
"The Left" make them interrupt a moment of silence for the Holocaust that's on video?? Did "The Left" make you a supporter of the anti-semitic conspiracy QAnon??? Sorry if the facts hurt your feelings snowflake. I've got receipts and you have nothing but a propaganda piece masquerading as journalism.
Let me make myself clear Brian, first of all did you see the piece was marked as opinion? Do you know what that word means? Just like what you have written is opinion. So, that's the first thing. Second, the source IS important. The Daily Kos is not unbiased, therefore it is just as much an opinion piece as mine. They, like me, have a right to their opinion. I can disregard it just as you are so willing to disregard my opinion. Exactly WHO are you calling anti-Semitic? Me? That's ridiculous as is your claim about Q Anon. The facts don't hurt my feelings darling, anymore than your constant name calling does. I love facts when they are indeed facts. Receipts for what? Again, did you see the word "Opinion" on the article? We are still allowed to have those in this country. Propaganda is entirely different. By the way, I'm not masquerading as anything. I write. I don't hide that I have written something. Most of the time it is opinion. But you clearly have a real problem with me. So, my suggestion is don't read what I write. God bless you. Receipts go two ways dear. I really do hope you feel better soon.
The Daily KOS didn't record the video. They're just reporting on it. The video speaks for itself.
You "don't hide anything" but failed to mention the Hitler quote controversy? You omitted that because you know how it looks. Are you saying you know more than the American Jewish Committee and the Holocaust Museum and the about anti semitism?
Society is long past the point where you can't say anything against AJC or you are antisemitic. What we are saying is that we know narrative creation when we see it.
Moms for Liberty is no more antisemitic than Trump was in collusion with Russia. It is all narrative and a lie. We despise liars at CDM and we call them out, over and over again.
So yes, I would rephrase your question and answer it - we know more, and report more about the truth than AJC and their narrative creators.
Thankfully, America is waking up to this cancel culture and it no longer works, and it won't work here.
Perhaps you should peruse our site, for more perspective on the Jewish question.
Say with your chest "The American Jewish Committee, Museum of Jewish Heritage, and Anti-defamation League don't know what anti-semitism is" SO we know who you really are.
Perhaps we let the reader judge? You've laid out your case, and we allowed you to. That's what we do here - let the reader decide. Wood out.
Translation "I'm a coward"
Brian, we let opposing opinions be voiced on this network, maybe you're not used to that. However, we don't allow insults. If you persist, we will block you. As for being a coward, I don't think you realize who you are speaking to, as I think I've proved my courage in life.
I've laid out my point of view very clearly on the Moms for Liberty issue - and yes, ADL, AJC, etc are lying about them.
I'm talking about QAnon, not MfL. (as those articles also are)
I'm not going to go your CDM affiliate site for information.
Cute that it takes 2 conservatives to debate one liberal. I hope your 4 combined brain cells are working overtime.