• Maryland Democrat Party Throws Temper Tantrum Over School Board Candidates

    October 16, 2024
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    The Democrats of Maryland are super mad. Somehow, the Republicans decided to follow what the Dems have done for years and support school board candidates in the counties.

    I'll say one thing for them, Democrats can throw temper tantrums that two-year-olds would be in awe of. They should be good at it. They do so every time the Republicans have mailers, political ads, etc. They fall down, beat their fists and feet into the ground, and cry, " Oh my gosh I can't believe those evil Republicans are using campaign mailers during campaign season!"

    Then they go to the post office and drop off all the mailers for all their school board candidates.

    The recent tantrum is that School Board candidates are supposed to be non-partisan in Maryland, but some political action committees which may or may not be associated with the Republican Party, are sending out mailers for certain school board candidates. The Dems have done this for years, mostly using the Teachers' Unions to do their dirty work with all the typical Dem name calling and lying. In fact, if you check out the spending of the National Education Association and the American Federation of Teachers, you will see that they spend millions every year in political races. Over ninety percent of this money goes to Democrats. The unions claim their members support these endorsements and donations. That might not be the truth.

    Who Decides Maryland State Education Association Apple Endorsements? - Easton Gazette

    Maryland State Education Association Ramps Up Lies And Extreme Language For '24 Local School Board Races - Easton Gazette

    Nation's Teachers Unions Endorse Kamala in "Record Time" - Easton Gazette

    Never mind that the Democrats are not only blatantly supporting certain school board candidates while they slander and defame those they don't like. Never mind that in our county, the Democrats had a school board candidate forum and didn't invite all the candidates, only the ones they support. Never mind that they used vile names and lies against the ones who weren't allowed to show up and debate their views.

    Not only do the Democrats scream and cry about those "dirty Republicans" but they go so far as to insinuate connections between the Republicans and non-profit groups they hate such as Moms for Liberty. They defame these groups with allegations without proof, fact or examples. They can, however, quote lists put out by hyper-partisan cash hungry real hate groups like the Southern Poverty Law Center, which hasn't been about the issues of poverty and equal enforcement of the law since the 60's. Info on the SPLC:

    And more:

    The Social Contract - A Note from the Editor - Watching the 'Watchers' - the SPLC Unmasked

    Reminder: The Southern Poverty Law Center is a fraud and nobody should treat them as responsible actors - Washington Examiner

    News: A Lawsuit Exposes the Southern Poverty Law Center’s Lies | CAIRCO Report immigration, sustainability, western civilization

    News: The Southern Poverty Law Center Is Everything That’s Wrong With Liberalism | CAIRCO Report immigration, sustainability, western civilization

    The Social Contract - The $outhern Poverty Law Center ...and the latest scourge of blacklisting, career-purging, and political cleansing

    These are just a few resources about the hatred the corrupt SPLC foments as a way of making millions in donations.

    But the SPLC is useful to Dems who want to use their tactics to vilify those who disagree with them.

    So, as we get closer to election day, the melt down continues. Here's a "press release" from the Maryland Dems: (I have added the bold for emphasis)

    FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE October 14th, 2024Contact: Luca [email protected] (mailto:[email protected]) Maryland Democratic Party Sounds the Alarm on Far-Right Groups Infiltrating Down-Ballot, Non-Partisan Races In a first for the State Party, Maryland Democrats invest resources in school board races to counter influence of radical right-wing groups Moms for Liberty, 1776 Project Annapolis, MD - In an unprecedented move amid a competitive election year, the Maryland Democratic Party (MDP) is directly investing in school board races across the state for the first time in modern Party history. The investments are aimed at countering the far-right agenda being championed by extremist and hate-group aligned candidates running in non-partisan school board races around the state. This cycle, the Maryland Democratic Party has built the largest coordinated campaign in Maryland history, and, in addition to leveraging the organization to deploy canvassers in targeted school board races, the Party is directly investing in candidates and local organizations. In a number of races, these investments will close the gap for candidates trailing in fundraising against their right-wing opponents and other races will help extend candidates’ cash on hand lead.  "The Maryland Democratic Party is committed to defending our students from the dangerous fringe agenda that extremist candidates and the far-right groups are hoping to bring to our state," said MDP Chair Ken Ulman. “We won’t allow radical activists dedicated to banning books and discriminating against students to take over our schools.” Moms for Liberty, which was recently officially designated (https://www.newsweek.com/how-watch-donald-trump-speech-moms-liberty-1946327) as an extremist group by the Southern Poverty Law Center, has taken an active role in promoting school board candidates in Maryland who seek to undermine public education. Their hate and anti-freedom agenda includes book bans, targeting LGBTQ+ youth, and rewriting our history. Following their lead is the 1776 Project, a far-right-funded group that has established a PAC to target school board races with the same hate-filled agenda. This is the same organization that received the largest fine in Maryland history for violating election disclosure laws last fall (https://marylandmatters.org/2023/10/13/largest-authority-line-fine-in-state-history-levied-against-1776-pac-for-texts-in-2022-school-board-race/).  “In Maryland, we commit to leaving no one behind, especially our children. Democrats won’t stand by and let well-funded right-wing bullies target marginalized students and give them the false impression they don’t have a place in our schools,” said Dr. Charlene Dukes, Vice Chair of the Maryland Democratic Party. “Radical groups like Moms for Liberty have no place in shaping our children’s education, and we’re confident Marylanders will send them that message clearly and loudly at the ballot box this fall.”  We will not allow candidates to “sane wash” their extremism, especially as candidates attempt to soften their extremist edges. Meet just ***SOME*** of the extreme candidates around the state.  • Chuck Yocum (Anne Arundel) ◦ Credibly accused (https://www.thebaltimorebanner.com/education/k-12-schools/anne-arundel-school-board-chuck-yocum-BZUQBTETNVB3VG7N6PA25RBXG4/) of sexual assault of minors  ◦ Casts (https://chuckyocum.wordpress.com/author/chuckyocum/) doubt on the women who have accused Donald Trump of sexual assault ◦ Demeans (https://www.capitalgazette.com/2024/09/19/chuck-yocum-facebook-posts/) women and individuals with disabilities using terms like “b*tch,” "slut,” “whore,” “r*tard.” ◦ Centers culture wars over academics in his policy platform (https://chuckyocum4boe.com/), including anti-LGBTQ, anti-teacher, and anti-diversity views. ◦ Author (https://chuckyocum.wordpress.com/author/chuckyocum/) of a far right blog (https://www.facebook.com/TheVoiceofReasonNetwork) that regularly parrots extremist talking points and conspiracy theories • LaToya Nkongolo (Anne Arundel) ◦ Wants to ban books (https://www.baltimoresun.com/2024/03/13/anne-arundel-school-board-candidates-discuss-critical-race-theory-book-banning-at-forum/)  ◦ Referred (https://drive.google.com/file/d/15gtHMtdUitXb4Byzzc7XvpYd_CI3lgZd/view) to being LGBTQ as a “mental illness” and purposefully targets queer youth with hateful language  ◦ Called (https://drive.google.com/file/d/15gtHMtdUitXb4Byzzc7XvpYd_CI3lgZd/view) Anne Arundel County Public Schools an “institution of grooming” and further claimed that teachers are attempting to “influence our kids” to “cause sexual confusion” • Trent Kittleman (Howard County) ◦ In favor of book bans (https://www.thebaltimorebanner.com/howard-county/howard-county-school-board-candidate-book-bans-ED4JGIGAHFDWNPMS6QP2PQVWIU/) ◦ Founder (https://baltimorefishbowl.com/stories/trent-kittleman-helped-launch-moms-for-liberty-in-howard-and-now-seeks-school-board-spot/) of Southern Poverty Law Center designated (https://www.splcenter.org/fighting-hate/extremist-files/group/moms-liberty?gad_source=1) “extremist group” Moms for Liberty Howard County with the group saying “her palm card is everything we believe.” ◦ Opposed (https://baltimorefishbowl.com/stories/trent-kittleman-helped-launch-moms-for-liberty-in-howard-and-now-seeks-school-board-spot/) to diversity and inclusion programs ◦ Voted against (https://mgaleg.maryland.gov/2022RS/votes/house/1348.pdf) anti-discrimination laws in schools when in the House of Delegates • Greg Malveaux (Carroll County) ◦ Believes (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=sIoOcPM3Ecc) diversity, equity, and inclusion is “mentally crippling” ◦ Vocal opponent (https://youtu.be/TPQi4qIx3j0?t=4651) of Go v. Moore’s Freedom To Read Act due to wanting to be able to ban books  ◦ Wants to allow individuals to override (https://www.gregmalveaux.org/) state curriculum requirements  • Paul Harrison (Calvert County) ◦ Believes (https://www.youtube.com/live/DsXyIVx0M9M?si=TOK2i_SZwVPOcES2&t=3255) we “need a little more” of physical punishment of kids because they “act up when they get to school” ◦ Opposes (https://www.youtube.com/live/UBtn7tEsD1I?si=8P8bMvL9IvLiBlNN&t=3547) climate change being taught in schools • Jamie Brennan (Frederick) ◦ Chair (https://www.fredericknewspost.com/news/continuing_coverage/election_coverage/local-moms-for-liberty-chair-running-for-school-board/article_c31a036a-a048-5fca-8f41-ac216bdfd878.html) of Frederick chapter of the extremist group Moms for Liberty  ◦ Wants (https://www.brennanforboard.com/policy-proposals) to send public dollars to private schools - even religious schools and homeschool communes ◦ Proposing “ family life curriculum (https://www.brennanforboard.com/policy-proposals) ” which could embed religious doctrine into public schools  ◦ Fought (https://www.fredericknewspost.com/news/continuing_coverage/election_coverage/local-moms-for-liberty-chair-running-for-school-board/article_c31a036a-a048-5fca-8f41-ac216bdfd878.html) against teachers showing respect for LGBTQ+ students  ◦ Against (https://www.fredericknewspost.com/news/continuing_coverage/election_coverage/local-moms-for-liberty-chair-running-for-school-board/article_c31a036a-a048-5fca-8f41-ac216bdfd878.html) vaccine and testing requirements for students  What does Moms for Liberty stand for?  Moms for Liberty is an extremist political organization at the forefront of the far-right's attack on public education. Since its founding in 2021, the group has advanced  book bans (https://www.usatoday.com/story/news/investigations/2023/10/05/website-driving-banned-books-surge-moms-for-liberty/70922213007/) , pushed conspiracy theories, fueled anti-LGBTQ sentiments, and coordinated fierce opposition to  diversity initiatives (https://www.pbs.org/newshour/politics/moms-for-liberty-rises-as-power-player-in-gop-politics-after-attacking-schools-over-gender-race)  in schools. Moms for Liberty is notorious for targeting and  pushing out (https://www.the74million.org/article/chiefs-out-in-half-of-districts-where-moms-for-liberty-flipped-boards-last-year/)  educators and officials who don’t agree with their hateful agenda. Closely affiliated with  Donald Trump (https://apnews.com/article/moms-for-liberty-trump-2024-election-harris-7c252c611b5bc73c333a24392b979372)  as well as other hate-groups like the  Proud Boys (https://www.vice.com/en/article/moms-for-liberty-proud-boys/) , Moms for Liberty is now targeting Maryland schools with their hateful agenda. 

    ### -- Luca Amayo Communication Specialist


    Cell: 202-716-7482

    Let me "translate" for you if you don't feel like reading that diatribe: "We are so angry that the Republicans finally figured out that we (MD DEMS) have used the teachers unions and other groups like GLSEN, etc. for years to promote school board candidates we like and now they are daring to do the same. In the words of Greta Thunberg: HOW DARE THEY!" Notice the left leaning bias of ALL the links cited. I wonder how long He/Him spent finding them?

    Also, notice how the Dems distort the positions of groups like Moms for Liberty whose positions are all about supporting the parental rights of ALL parents. Moms for Liberty, on a local and national level, is an organization of people of many different races, backgrounds, religions, and sexual preferences who are asking that parents play a guiding role in the lives of their children that schools keep pornographic materials out of the hands of students in school libraries, that children are not counseled into harmful gender re-assignment surgeries and treatments by school personnel, that students are taught accurate history that displays all viewpoints, that quality staff is hired regardless of race, gender etc. and that schools focus on academics while being safe for students AND teachers.

    Some of the Dem candidates are angry too, mostly because they thought they would be able to run unopposed. One current local school board member who is running for re-election told sources that she was really upset that she had an opponent in the race. She called it an "insult" to her. And we thought Dems liked choices. Not so. Illusion shattered.

    The bottom line is that the Republicans are finally waking up to the fact that the local school board races are not, and haven't been, non-partisan for a very long time. Dems have run their candidates often unopposed and when opposed, have gotten them elected with strong financial support from the local and state teachers' unions. If a mid-term vacancy occurs in our county, the appointment is completely partisan as the sitting Governor gets to pick the replacement. Democrat Governor Moore has made three replacements for vacated seats. Guess which party they belong to? It wasn't Republican. When Hogan was in office, he appointed Republicans.

    Maybe, just maybe, its time that Maryland drop the charade of non-partisan school board races. Everyone knows these races are just as partisan as any. And maybe it's time the MD Dems put on their "big boy pants" and stop the whining and crying.

    When conservative political action committees start campaigning for candidates they support, it is hypocritical that the Dems lose their collective s**t and scream "foul." The press release above and another mailer sent out shortly after reek of both desperation and fake outrage.

    And their temper tantrum would be laughable if it wasn't so pathetic. And childish.

    OUR BEST BET? Vote FOR the candidates on this list. They are the ones supporting academics, discipline, and parental choice in our schools.

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