• Ann O'Connor: Setting The Record Straight

    October 9, 2024
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    by Ann O'Connor

    Ann is Currently Running for the Talbot County School Board, District 2

    Recently, there have been reports suggesting that my candidacy for the
    Talbot County Board of Education is endorsed by Mom’s for Liberty. I
    want to clarify that this is not true. I have not received endorsements
    from Mom’s for Liberty or any other group.

    I have attended meetings hosted by the local M4L Chapter to better
    understand their perspectives and issues. This is one of my guiding
    principles—to attend meetings in the community to gather information
    so I can make my own decisions--. At the last meeting, our
    superintendent, assistant superintendents, and director of
    communications for TCPS were present as guest speakers, highlighting
    the ongoing dialogue between our school system and the community.

    People may incorrectly label me according to their perspectives, based
    on where I go, what groups I frequent, and in what activities I’m
    involved, but my focus remains clear: I am committed to the children of
    this county, our dedicated teachers, and the importance of parental
    involvement. Collaboration among the three groups is essential to
    elevate our schools; it’s a three-legged stool- if one leg falters, the
    entire system is compromised.

    If elected to the school board, I will prioritize listening to all voices to
    make informed decisions. My platform is based on the ABC’s of
    education: Advancing Academics, Boosting Accountability, and
    Cultivating Character. These principles will guide my decision making
    and efforts to improve our schools.

    Together, lets strive for excellence and overcome mediocrity in our
    educational system. It would be an honor and privilege to serve as your
    school board member.

    The Easton Gazette invites any candidate for the Talbot County Board of Education to submit material for publication regarding their candidacy

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