• Hunter Biden Perjured Himself "Indisputably": House Ways And Means Committee

    May 23, 2024
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    Staff Writer

    May 22, 2024

    Artist and businessman Hunter Biden (X screencap).

    Hunter Biden, infamous son and business partner of Joe and James Biden, is the subject of newly released congressional documents. In a closed-door session, the House Ways and Means Committee voted today to release 100 pages of evidence that show the first son lied under oath to Congress during his February 28th deposition.

    IRS whistleblowers provided the documents to the committee. The new material showed conclusively that Hunter lied "at least three times" under oath, a felony offense.

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    The documents pertain to separate topics in the February testimony. In one instance, Hunter claimed he was "not affiliated" with a Rosemont Seneca Partners account linked to a large Chinese deal. In fact, Hunter signed off on the account, and is listed as its "beneficial owner".

    In another instance, Hunter claimed to be "high or drunk" when he sent threatening texts to a Chinese business contact, and that he had texted the wrong person in error. A review of subsequent WhatsApp text messages reveal that the client, Raymond Zhao, was in fact the intended recipient.

    The third example of perjury concerns the obtaining of visas for business for foreign clients.Under oath, Hunter claimed he didn't engage in any such activity, but a slew of emails show that Hunter and his business partner Devon Archer sought to obtain a visa for Mykola Zlochevsky, an officer of the Ukrainian energy company that famously employed Hunter, Burisma.

    In a statement, House Ways and Means Chairman Jason Smith said, "Not only did Hunter Biden refuse to comply with his initial subpoena until threatened with criminal contempt, but he then came before Congress and lied. Lying during sworn testimony is a felony offense...and the American people expect the same accountability for the son of the President of the United States."

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