• Biden’s NSC Intel Director, Maher Bitar

    May 15, 2024
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    Maher Bitar (Public Domain)

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    From Breitbart:

    Maher Bitar, the White House Coordinator for Intelligence and Defense Policy at the U.S. National Security Council (NSC), was a radical pro-Palestinian activist and a leader within Students for Justice in Palestine (SJP).

    The SJP is one of the most prominent groups involved in the pro-Hamas, antisemitic “encampment” protests that have taken over dozens of university campuses. Its parent group is also the target of a lawsuit by survivors and families of victims of the October 7 terror attack that alleges SJP is a propaganda front for Hamas in the U.S.

    Bitar’s record is coming under closer scrutiny as President Joe Biden takes unprecedented action to undermine Israel’s war against the Hamas terrorists that attacked it on October 7, including withholding arms from Israel. Biden’s decision was applauded Wednesday by Rep. Ilhan Omar (D-MN), who has backed the radical protests, and whose daughter was suspended from Barnard College for her role in radical protests at nearby Columbia University. (Read more.)

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