Interview with John A. Myrick, Candidate for U.S. Senate

April 30, 2024
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JOHN A. MYRICK, Maryland Republican Candidate for the U.S. Senate

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Responses to Interview Questions for Candidates for the U.S. Senate

EG: Thank you, Mr. Myrick, for being open to answering questions for The Easton Gazette. What inspired you to take this huge step and run for the United States senate?

JM: After a lifetime of Public Service, I got tired of seeing career politicians continue to be more
concerned with maintaining their power and positions than doing the job they were sent to Washington to do. Good people can no longer sit on the sidelines and do nothing, expecting things to change. I bring to the position experience in dealing with Congress that no other Republican Candidate can match.

EG: Do you think the healthcare needs of Maryland’s women and children are being met?

JM: I believe that our healthcare system could always be improved for all Marylanders.

EG: Welfare was originally intended as a safety net but for many it has become a lifestyle. Do you think that too many Marylanders have become overly dependent on the government? Is there a way out?

JM: I believe that the original intent of Aid to Families with Dependent Children (AFDC) has been
perverted into the current system that has wandered far afield from the original intent of being a
supplement to assist nuclear families to one that penalizes them and encourages dependence on the
government. I believe that there is a way out of this situation, but it would require that the State and
Federal governments completely rebuild the way in which they administer this necessary program to
return it to its original intent.

EG: Illegitimacy and fatherless homes have become endemic in our society, creating great social instability. I know that in some countries in the past, such as France, couples were monetarily rewarded if they married before beginning a family. Do you see any practical way that we can encourage young couples to marry before they begin their families?

JM: I believe that encouraging young couples to marry before beginning a family will take a shift in our current societal norms. Teaching accountability and responsibility needs to begin in the home, and should be reinforced in our schools, churches, and society in general. While the approach taken in France is interesting, Americans enjoy many freedoms that are not found anywhere else in the world, and paying people for exercising their Rights is not something that I would support. Again, I believe that we need to re-evaluate the manner in which the Aid to Families with Dependent Children programs are administered and support young families struggling to make ends meet.

EG: During the COVID-19 pandemic, do you think that certain experts like Dr. Fauci were given too much authority?

JM: Yes, I believe that the so-called “experts” were given entirely too much power during the COVID-19
pandemic. The rampant abuse of our Constitutional Rights during the pandemic was unconscionable. While I understand and supported some of the measures to curtail the spread, the manner in which some public officials conducted this smacked of a totalitarian approach. Our former Governor locked down the entire State for nearly two years – with no appreciable effect of the spread of COVID-19 and at a great cost to Maryland small businesses and to the education of our children. Setting up 800 numbers to inform on your neighbors for holding family holiday gatherings and imposing mandates on not only State employees, but also private industry personnel for immunizations that proved to be marginally effective at best, were tactics that would have been more in keeping with actions seen in the Soviet Union, rather than in a free society.

EG: The opinions of physicians which differed from Dr. Fauci were not only ignored during the pandemic but treated with contempt. Do you see yourself being able to take a stand like Senator Rand Paul?

JM: Yes, I do. I was taught to look at problems critically, and to apply logic, common-sense, and scientific reason to finding solutions. I applaud Senator Rand for his courage in standing against the Government-accepted positions. As Maryland’s next Senator, I will always look at each proposal or initiative with a critical eye to ensure that my votes are in the best interest of Marylanders and the Nation.

EG: While many of us are glad Roe was overturned, we are still fighting the culture of death in our own state. Do you see anyway of persuading people into seeing other options to abortion?

JM: The U.S. Supreme Court decision in Dobbs was, in my personal opinion, the correct one – returning this highly contentious issue to the States. Maryland Statute currently allows for on-demand abortion. While this does not align with my personal beliefs, I understand that, as a Candidate to represent all Marylanders, I am duty-bound to uphold their positions (not my own) and the law. Women facing this issue will make their decision based upon their own needs and beliefs, but women should be provided a full range of options when facing an unplanned pregnancy. This means having information on every alternative – not just abortion. I recently toured the Center for Pregnancy Concerns in Baltimore – a non-profit facility serving the community by providing advocacy and information for women facing this situation. They not only provide information on options to abortion, but provide resources ranging from emergency housing to assistance in obtaining Medicare for women without any insurance coverage. These vital services are not found anywhere else in the area and efforts should be made to expand centers such as this. If Maryland wishes to be a Pro-Choice State, then we must provide women with the necessary information to make the best possible choice for themselves – not simply one option.

EG: So many woke agendas are being pushed on students all over America. If Trump wins and if you win,could you see yourself working with Trump 47 to rid our schools of the DEI agenda?

JM: I have always believed that education is a State and local issue – and that the Federal Government should only intervene when there is a question of a violation of your Rights. This is why I have been a strong proponent of more conservative candidates running for local school board races throughout Maryland. It is my hope that these dedicated candidates will prevail, and that these highly objectionable policies that are being pushed on our children are removed from our schools. As Maryland’s next Senator, I will introduce Federal legislation re-affirming a Parent’s Right to opt their child out of any classes that the Parents deems religiously or morally objectionable. The U.S. Supreme Court has long ruled that Parenting is a “Fundamental Right;” one that cannot be infringed except under the most extreme circumstances. It’s time the Senate starts protecting our Rights again.

EG: Many of us are appalled by the Ivy League universities becoming the scene of anti-Semitic
demonstrations. No one has to like Israel but the attacks upon Jews are reminiscent of the Nazis. How did we get to this point and how do we get out of it?

JM: I am appalled by the conduct of both students and administrators at American universities regarding these protests. Advocating for an organization that is listed by our very government as terrorists, and against our strongest ally in the Middle East, is reprehensible. While universities are supposed to be institutions fostering a free exchange of ideas, there is absolutely no place in America – or in the world for that matter – for anti-Semitism. All Americans, regardless of their religious beliefs, have the absolute Right to feel safe. Conduct such as that which we are seeing on college campuses throughout the nation violate the Rights of Jewish students and must be ended immediately. If college administrators will not fulfill their responsibilities to their students and move to end these protests, them it is incumbent upon the Governors and the Federal Government to step in and ensure that intolerable conduct – calling for violence against an American ally and against American citizens on those campuses – is immediately ended. While I am an advocate for all of our Constitutional Rights – including the freedoms of assembly and of speech, hate speech calling for violence in support of terrorists offense the public conscience and cannot be condoned or tolerated.

EG: “Build Back Better” has never materialized. If you were in the Senate would you try to do something about our infrastructure?

JM: America’s infrastructure is crumbling. One of the only two policy initiatives out of the Biden Administration that I support is the Infrastructure Act. Unfortunately, the effects of this massive spending legislation have never materialized and has not improved anything for Marylanders. I would work to ensure that Maryland roads, bridges, and tunnels receive proper Federal funding to supplement the State fuel tax revenue, currently earmarked for such maintenance, to ensure that Marylanders are safe on our roadways and on our rails. I would also work to restore funding for Baltimore’s Red Line Transit Project that the Former Governor killed. This transit project would have benefited the underserved communities of West Baltimore and would have provided a safe, reliable, inexpensive way for these people to transit to higher paying jobs downtown and would have increased revenues for local businesses. I will also seek to improve the air traffic control system in this country to make air travel safer.

EG: What are the three most dire situations in America this spring of 2024?

JM: Clearly, the Southern Border Crisis must top this list. Over 10 million Illegal Aliens (the Statutory
term for these people) having flooded into our country in the past 3 years – 1.5 times the total population of the State of Maryland – creating a grave threat to the security of our nation. According to the Department of Homeland Security, nearly 2 million of these are “Got-aways,” people who have had no contact at all with Federal law enforcement personnel. We have absolutely no idea who or where they are. The drain on taxpayer-funded resources in “Sanctuary Cities” has stripped resources away from
American Citizens in favor of people who have violated our laws. This also does not even address the drugs that are transported into this country through the same crossings, or the crime that has spiked throughout the nation as a result. I will work to see this practice ended - to secure our borders; to account for those who have entered illegally and see them processed according to existing Federal law; and to re-write Immigration laws so that they are more fair and just to those who seek to enter our country legally.

The economy and controlling inflation need to be immediately addressed. Prices of everything from food, to housing, to fuel have skyrocketed over the past several years. Congress' so-called solutions to this have only made things for the average American worse. I will work to restore America's energy independence, because it all starts with the cost of moving products from point A to point B. I believe that this can be done while still protecting the environment. I will seek to repeal any legislation that further damages the economy and makes things for us more expensive. I will serve as a advocate for Maryland products and services to be included in any proposed economic legislation.

Term Limits for Congress must be addressed. A Pew Research Poll conducted in September 2023 found that 87% of Americans – across all political parties, races, and sexes – want term limits for Congress. How can you continue to ignore nearly 9 out of every 10 Americans? The Founding Fathers never envisioned service in Congress as a career. They understood that representatives needed to be rotated from time to time in order to bring fresh perspectives and ideas to deal with the Nation's business. Far too many of our Representatives and Senators have spent decades in office. Has this longevity solved any of the issues effecting the average American? I think not. I will introduce legislation for a 12-year total term limit for Congress. I will only serve one (1) term in the U.S. Senate. I will work with the Maryland Governor and leaders in the State House to promote your priorities - not those of a particular political party or special interest. I will work with other like-minded Members to hold Members accountable for their conduct.

EG: Sir, we cannot thank you enough for your thorough answers to our questions which will help Marylanders get to know you as a candidate.

And I hope everyone reads John Myrick's fascinating biography, HERE.

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