Rebuttal To Jim Bruce's Attack On Trump

April 17, 2024
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(Official White House photo by Shealah Craighead)

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A guest post by Shari Wilcoxon.

Jim Bruce posted an Opinion piece in the Star Democrat on Sunday, April 7,2024 entitled “Second Trump presidency could cause chaos.”  It is so full of fearmongering and falsehoods that it cannot go without a response.  Here is our response so the citizens of Talbot County can decide for themselves.

Talbot County experienced great successes when Donald Trump was President of the United States. Prosperity for all people, regardless of race, is an undeniable statistic that Democrats try to ignore in the fearmongering about another Trump presidency. I wonder why they aren’t touting Biden’s record, like we do Trump’s? Never mind, I know why.

Mr. Bruce claims that: “Trump plans to abolish the EPA and once again halt U.S plans to address climate change, which would likely collapse international cooperation on the issue….Under a Trump presidency, the government will do far less. Our children and our grandchildren would inevitably live in a faster shrinking Talbot County.”

It’s stunning the unsubstantiated fearmongering amongst the left. Obama purchased a $15M mansion on the water in Martha’s Vineyard. I don’t think he really believes the handwringing about the shorelines they have wailed about since the 70’s, and none of it has ever happened. People are smarter now – has any one of Al Gore’s predictions from An Inconvenient Truth actually happened? Well, no. and if the Left won’t publicly go after China for their excessive pollution, it’s very difficult to take them seriously.

Furthermore, what substantive changes to the Talbot County Shoreline can Mr. Bruce point to that happened during Mr. Trump’s presidency between January of 2017 and December of 2020? I can point to the disaster going on in Oxford as we speak, but it has nothing to do with Trump’s policies.  It was during his first presidency that Mr. Trump withdrew the United States from the Paris Accords, and the net result was that the United States (down 10% since 2000 Source: Global Carbon Budget) continues to lead the world in reducing emissions while both China (up 208% since 2000) and India (up 155% since 2000), neither of which participated in the Paris Accords, continue to pollute and turn their noses from any efforts to reduce emissions.

According to Mr. Bruce: “Talbot County women will lose the right to manage their reproductive health care decisions…. If elected, Trump would surely…support a nationwide, federal abortion ban, so restrictive, so early in the pregnancy, that some women would not know they are pregnant. That would override Maryland’s enlightened laws on reproductive rights.”

What an absolute travesty. The 10th Amendment in our Constitution is dedicated to states’ rights. President Trump rightly helped remove this from the federal government and into each individual states hands to make decisions. Anyone who believes that the state of Maryland is going to ban abortions is not to be taken seriously. This is another fearmongering false flag. Do not be deceived.

In the words of Mr. Bruce: “In the Access Hollywood tapes, Trump explained on a hot mic how he has his way with women. Now he seeks to have his way with their reproductive rights.

Clearly Mr. Bruce has not listened to the actual tapes himself. Mr. Trump says “they LET you”, which means consent. All those women (and men) falsely clutching their pearls know that there are women who throw themselves at RICH and FAMOUS men all the time. Stop lying to the American people.

Mr. Bruce prophesies: “We will see chaos in health care and social assistance, which is Talbot County’s largest industry by employment. Trump has long sought to destroy the Affordable Care Act and replace it with an unstated substitute. His first Administration’s biggest achievement was a 40% corporate tax cut that added over $8 trillion to our deficit.”

During the first Trump presidency, the Affordable Care Act was not repealed or replaced.  Secondly, after the passage of the Tax Cuts and Jobs Act (TCJA), which took effect on January 1, 2018, data from the Economic Research Division of the Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis indicate that federal receipts (taxes) have increased from $3.33 trillion in fiscal year 2018 to $4.44 trillion in fiscal year 2023.  The increase in the deficit is NOT due to a lack of federal receipts from the implementation of the TCJA, but instead from a Democratic-run House of Representatives during the same time period approving CR after CR increasing spending levels year over year.

Mr. Bruce accuses Trump of campaigning “on tax cuts for the working class, but the Washington Post reports he is privately discussing further corporate tax cuts. This will likely necessitate cuts in Medicaid, Medicare and Social Security. The House Republican Study Committee has already called for raising the retirement age to 69 for full Social Security benefits and cutting their benefits by 13%.

Why is it the Democrats always use the fearmongering tactic that Medicare, Medicaid and Social Security will have to be cut if we cut taxes? Do intelligent people really believe that is the only spending in Washington that can be cut? What about the BILLIONS the Democrats are GIVING to the many illegals in gift cards, housing, healthcare, food, education and jobs? What about the BILLIONS we give away to other countries? I believe thinking people are past the typical Democrat fearmongering of pushing granny over the cliff. Does anyone remember the story of the Boy Who Cried Wolf?

Mr. Bruce thinks Trump wants us all to die. “In the next pandemic, Talbot County’s health would be at risk. During COVID-19, Talbot County complied with all state requirements….[Trump] will replace the leadership of the Centers for Disease Control, so they dare not disagree again with the president’s medical opinions…. In the next such crisis, Trump will determine the seriousness of the crisis and appropriate medications, just as he tried to do in his first administration with COVID (Ivermectin and hydroxychloroquine).

The real truth here is the Democrats want to give our pandemic response rights to the World Health Organization. There is a vote due in May to accomplish just this scenario. Are there any Americans who believe that the WHO should have any right to make medical decisions and mandates for Americans? There are many studies only recently not censored that demonstrate that not only did the ‘mask mandates’ not provide any healthcare benefit for the public, but they actually caused horrendous harm and negative effects for especially children. Additionally, newly obtained documents confirm yet again the many lies surrounding the origins of COVID 19 and the NIH and Fauci’s involvement. These agencies need to be exposed if they are not looking out for the health of Americans. 

And Trump wants us all to be poor, according to Mr. Bruce: “Trump’s new import duties will spur inflation and trade wars. He seeks an immediate 10% import duty on all goods from China. How will that impact our county? Put it this way. An estimated 70-80% of Walmart products come from China. Talbot County residents, not the Chinese exporters, would pay those duties, thus inflating prices.”

I find it very rich that a supporter of the Biden Administration and their “Build Back Better” economy is warning of price increases and potential inflation when under this Administration we have experienced record inflation levels not seen since the Carter Administration in the late 1970’s.  It is currently being reported that grocery prices are up almost 40% since 2019. Gas in Easton this week is $3.99 a gallon for the 87-octane vs $1.85 four years ago. Even CNN is reporting the massive inflation. This information is not conjecture as Mr. Bruce so freely resorts to but is actual reported fact. During the first Trump presidency, the dependency on foreign oil dwindled and the United States became the world’s largest exporter of oil, driving down the cost of gasoline and related by-products and keeping inflation at record lows.

In the words of Jim Bruce: “Trump pledges mass deportations and internment camps for undocumented people in the U.S., which will affect Talbot and its available labor force….The rule of law will give way to the rule of Trump.

Most Americans KNOW the 20-30 million illegals that the Biden Administration as allowed to come across the border is not sustainable. We are spending BILLIONS of dollars to support them. There are over 130 countries represented in this invasion. American cannot house the world. Many countries have emptied their prisons and asylums and deposited them at our border. Many of these are disease ridden and many are criminals. Should America pay for every person in the world? We have an immigration process written in the laws. We should follow the laws to be fair to the people who are working to immigrate to America following the laws of America.

Trump is also accused of packing the courts: “Trump calls for replacing the federal civil service with Trump loyalists, and packing the courts with jurists who will do his bidding.”

Lawfare has engulfed America. People are sitting in prison for years with no charges filed against them. People are getting outrageous sentences for misdemeanors, while actual criminals and child rapists are set free with no bail over and over again. There is much wrong with America’s justice system, but it is not from “Trump loyalists”. The justice system should be BLIND to politics and race.

It seems that Mr. Bruce thinks Trump is going to imitate Biden in going after political enemies. “Trump has pledged to prosecute his enemies and critics…Among Trump’s prior cabinet appointments, his vice president, his attorney general, three generals, and other Trump officials resisted Trump’s constitutionally suspect directives…. In selecting his next cabinet, Trump will demand absolute fealty.

 Trump has pledged to put the blindfold back on the Lady Justice. To remove the two-tiered justice that is currently being meted out in America.

Loyalty to Trump is everything.”

No. Loyalty to AMERICA is everything to President Trump.

Shari Wilcoxon lives in Easton and is a member of the Talbot County Republican Central Committee

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