• A Response To Mr. Bruce

    April 12, 2024
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    François de Nomé's The Fall of Atlantis (Public Domain)

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    In the Star Democrat (April 7, 2024) the op-ed of Jim Bruce entitled “Second Trump presidency could cause chaos” is so full of errors it demands a response, if not to all of his points then at least to some.

    First of all, Mr. Bruce’s accusations of what Trump might do if elected again do not mirror Trump’s actual record as 45th President of the United States, in which there were no wars and we had a booming economy, especially compared to what is going on now.

       Mr. Bruce appears to believe that Talbot County is rapidly sinking into the Bay and that four years of Trump will sink it for good. Based upon that logic, then four years of Biden should have caused the waters to recede. Has that happened? Is Talbot County safer from sinking like Atlantis based upon Biden’s efforts? Some of us would like to know. I keep walking out to our pier and it looks pretty much the same but what do I know. But if we are going to founder beneath the waves if Trump becomes President again then I guess we all need to leave.

       To quote Mr. Bruce: “Talbot County women will lose the right to manage their reproductive health care decisions.” I assume that means the ability to abort one’s inconvenient offspring. I thought that abortion was legal in Maryland, and that only the elected officials of the people of the State of Maryland or our judiciary could outlaw it once more. Could Trump really ban abortion nationwide? If so, then my prayers are answered. But it’s not going to happen, as Trump himself just announced. So rest assured, Mr. Bruce, there will remain places all over America and all over Maryland where unborn babies may be put to death, in some places right up to the point of birth. Why are unwanted pregnancies the fault of Trump and not of the adults whose behavior resulted in conception?

    To quote Mr. Bruce: “He now campaigns on tax cuts for the working class, but the Washington Post reports he is privately discussing further corporate tax cuts.” I think the corporate tax cuts are meant to help American businesses thrive, which means more jobs for our citizens. And Trump is not going to cut Social Security or Medicare. If taxes are cut, the cuts should come from the billions of dollars Democrats are giving to illegal aliens in the form of housing, healthcare, food, and jobs. We give liberally to other countries but neglect needy Americans, especially veterans.

    According to the Prophet Bruce: "He [Trump] will replace the leadership of the Centers for Disease Control, so they dare not disagree again with the president’s medical opinions....In the next such crisis, Trump will determine the seriousness of the crisis and appropriate medications, just as he tried to do in his first administration with COVID (Ivermectin and hydroxychloroquine)." So Trump’s presidency will lead us all to die of COVID? Nonsense. There is so much more we now know about what actually works and what does not in the treatment of COVID. And it turns out that ivermectin and hydroxychloroquine were and are effective.

    Now we come to our country’s current entanglement with China. “Trump’s new import duties will spur inflation and trade wars. He seeks an immediate 10% import duty on all goods from China.” Does this mean we might have to have our own manufacturing again and buy American-made goods? Meanwhile, under Biden there are record inflation levels not seen since the Carter Administration in the late 1970’s.  It is currently being reported that grocery prices are up almost 40% since 2019. And the infrastructure still is not fixed. Bridges are literally falling apart. What happened to “Build Back Better”?

    As for the crisis at the border, Trump is committed to applying the laws and Constitution of the United States. There is no “rule of Trump.” The only people he referred to as “vermin” and “animals” were people who raped and murdered innocent women and children as well as other terrible crimes. Right now our laws are disrespected. Immigrants who follow the law are punished while those who break it are rewarded.

    “Loyalty to Trump is everything.” Maybe you have a point there, Mr. Bruce. When someone has been betrayed as much as Trump has then I certainly hope he is more prudent about whom he chooses for his cabinet.

    As far as being “submissive to Trump” I marvel at how Democrats continue to be submissive to Biden, whom anyone can see should be in a retirement home, not running the greatest country on earth. It is elder abuse to force a man in Joe Biden’s condition to make constant public appearances in which he repeatedly falls, stumbles over words, becomes incoherent, does not recognize people, etc. It is sad. But what is sadder is the state of our economy, of our streets, of our schools, of our sports. Now we Marylanders are witnessing the rise of carjackings even as, in the rest of America, squatters are stealing homes just by moving in.

    Meanwhile, instead of listing what Trump might do if re-elected, I would like to hear some Democrat, any Democrat, list all of Biden’s accomplishments as President. Perhaps he has some, somewhere, but none that I can see in Talbot County, where the cost of living has skyrocketed. Everywhere I turn another business has closed its doors. Oh, but as long as abortion is legal, then I guess we can all just sink into the Bay, as far as Democrats are concerned.

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