Easton Gazette Endorses Frank Gunsallus IV For President of Easton Town Council

August 28, 2023

CDM's American Conversations Host Christine Dolan interviews Frank Gunsallus IV, the Easton Town Council Presidential candidate and his Father, Frank G. Gunsallus, who is a Navy veteran on the dirty politics aimed at undermining his son's political campaign before the Talbot Spy and Avalon Theatre's joint debate on Tuesday, August 29 and the September 12 election. 

"Character matters, and so do Second Chances, especially when a political figure is looking out for others," says Christine Dolan. 

The Easton Gazette has been aware of some insidious dirty politics underlying this election for nearly a month - whispers about Frank Gunsallus IV's past marijuana conviction when he was in his 20s. 

Frank Gunsallus IV has turned his life around, and has been working and serving our community and even helped Ukrainians with relief during this phase of the Russian/Ukrainian conflict.  

But, there is far more to this story - the story of the betrayal of confidences between a father and his former colleague who is now his son's opponent. Frank G. Gunsallus is on the record with that story. 

In the last days, both the Star Democrat and Talbot Spy received information about Frank Gunsallus IV's past conviction. The communications, supposedly submitted by an anonymous source - "RIM," were subsequent to the whispers on the street. 

Now, is the time for those with character to vote for Frank Gunsallus IV and denounce dirty politics in Easton. 

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Christine Dolan

Christine Dolan is a seasoned Investigative Journalist, television producer, author, and photographer. She is Co-Founder of American Conversations whose format focuses on in-depth analysis of critical issues about “the story behind the headlines.”
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Margaret Fisher

You're kidding, right? I want to know if the candidate is going to protect our town from outside developer influences, from those who might advocate for closing schools again, from those who would restrict our First Amendment rights.

Karen Reed

Wow, here we go! More dirty politics. Kind of like people removing his campaign signs from private property. Guess some people can’t play fair and have to smear someone’s good name over something that happened how long ago? He was a kid! We all make mistakes!

Thank you Easton Gazette for clearing the air and giving Frank and his father the opportunity to explain and bringing light to what other people running for a leadership role in our community are really about.

Richard Bates

I have absolutely no reason to rescind my vote based on what has transpired in this particular event. While the charges mentioned may not be misdemeanor, they certainly do not go against the moral code of our state or our country. Frank Gunsallus is a genuine human being, and as we are all human, we are entitled to our fair share of mistakes. I stand by his values, and he will still get my vote September 12th. I implore you to look beyond this, and to cast your vote for Frank as well.

Gary Judy

Chritine- GREAT interview. I didn't know this. I am 100% behind Frank!

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